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Deploying Cisco Duo in Minutes

Deploying Cisco Duo in Minutes Transcription

We have a speed testing where Duo is up at first. All right, we have Duo Umbrella and Cisco Defense Orchestrator, and we’re going to ask them to showcase what it’s like to deploy their product in just a few minutes while being incessantly bothered by people while they’re doing it.

Over to Wendy:
Let me make sure this is on. Thank you everybody. Thanks for coming in. And yes, you know what it’s like. Nobody gets to do this on an open, quiet racetrack when you’re trying to deploy something, especially when you’re in an open office, even if you’ve got your headphones on, you’ve got people coming over and bothering you.

And this is the real environment that people have to work in today, but we’re going to show you how quickly you can do this with Duo, how quickly you can integrate. 

We have Office 365 and it is completely unprotected by multi factor authentication. That is insane! Do you have any idea what kind of sensitive data is in your inbox?

We’re going to see how fast Brian can protect Office 365 with Duo, adding multi factor authentication in, what do we decide, under five minutes? Under five minutes. Do you think he can do it? Who thinks he can do it? No, yes, no. Alright. I’m, I am going to run a stopwatch on my phone. Feel free to run along with me.

Run it on your own phone. We’ll see if he can really do it. In under five minutes. And, Brian if you’re ready. Cue music. Let’s start. And we’re off.

Now, he’s going to log in here first. And look at that. He just logged right in just with a password. That was it. If somebody had stolen those credentials, it would be over by now. What is he doing now? He’s going to the Duo dashboard. He’s going to add Office 365. How’s he going to do that? He’s just going to do some little searching here.

He searched. He found it. He’s going to authorize. Ooh, boom! He authorized it. Just like that. We are at 30 seconds. Now he needs permissions requested. Read only is all he needs. So he’s just clicking on that. He’s moving along. There’s Active Directory. We have the controls here for you. All you have to do is copy and paste.

It can’t be any easier. Who is this person? He’s late for the stand up. He said two minutes. Is he lying? Is he going to make his stand up in two minutes? Look at this. He’s in conditional access right now. He’s going to be setting up that policy. He just pasted that in. That’s all you need to do. Now he’s changing the names so that he can find them and set them up later.

Very smart, Brian. Good job. He’s just changing those. Look at those fingers. I think there’s smoke coming up from them. Now he’s gonna, he has to go over and implement that for the user. He’s gotta set it up. He’s gotta find that user. It’s innovation is the name of the user. He’s gonna click on that and allow it.

And he’s gonna do it for conditional access. Look at that. He is moving, and it’s warning him. Brian, did you get my text and emails? One minute left, really? Is he really going to do that? Open office, what are you going to do? So I warned him, I said, do you really want to do this for all cloud apps? You might lock yourself out.

He said YOLO, and he’s going for it. He’s enabling it for everything. Enable. Go. Validation. We got this going now. Oh, wait a minute, I think I see another co worker coming by. What? Is this Brian? Brian, I’m gonna need something right now. Please. I need audit logs to last three months. I need them immediately.

It’s very important. Three months of audit logs and auditor wants three months of audit logs, three months of audit logs. Oh God, look at all that beautiful authentication data that you can make policy out of authentication data right there. She likes it. He’s exporting it to a CSV just like that.

Three months worth. Wow. He’s sending it to the printer because I love paper. I want paper. He’s sending it to the printer. Yes, you go get it off the printer. I love paper! I’m going to get it. Getting rid of that auditor, sending her off to the printer. That’ll take care of that. Good work, Brian. Alright, now he’s going to sign back in.

We’re going to see if this actually works. He’s typing in his password. We are at 2 minutes 57 seconds. Oh! He’s got a push! He cannot get directly in just with his password anymore. He’s got to register. How long is this going to take him to register as a user? He’s got to register his phone. Oh my gosh, he’s clicking on, it’s on dual mobile.

He’s got the QR code. And if you look over there, he’s going to be showing it. He’s going to be doing the QR code to register. Oh he’s just wild. Look at that QR code, done. Now he is all registered. He’s continuous. He’s got the push. He’s got to send himself a push. Can you do that? Oh, he clicks he scores.

I don’t believe it. He’s just set up and stay signed in as he signed in. Yes, three minutes and 38 seconds Thank you, good job Brian three minutes and 38 seconds despite all of those distractions, how are you feeling Brian? I don’t even see any sweat You’re late for your meeting, yeah, but alright, you’re good.

Brian is a trained professional on a closed course, do not try this at home. Wait a minute, what am I saying? Of course you can try this at home. You can get 10 free licenses of Duo, just go to duo. com. You can set it up yourself, absolutely try this at home. So thank you very much Brian, thank you everybody.

When you feel the need for speed, get Duo.

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